Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So sorry..

I really do not have anymore time to blog..

I'm so stressed, pressured and it feels like time is rushing soo fast.. No family here somemore..
Goodness!! The only way to release stress is probably by talking to ppl.. But must make sure it's the right person also.. sighs..

I have soo little time soo much to do.. Frustrating!!
I feel scared n tired also.. Arrrrrrrrrr..........

Prayer is the only option now..


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Update.. :)

I have so much to write about but i don't really have the time to blog..

Okay 1st things 1st!! I WENT HOME LAST WEEKEND!!!!!! And to be honest ther is DEFINITELY NO PLACE LIKE HOME!! Well yea I noe it sounds cliche but its soooooo true.. lol!! The journey back was ok.. thank God Qu Wern came along.. If not the chances of me going back would be nill.. long story for!! Oh yea.. to everyone taking train or whatever public transport please be SUPER careful.. Once we got off the train in kajang and were walking out, this women came from behind us n stopped us to ask for money!! Scary!! Actually I was more of the target. then she saw QWern and spoke to him instead.. I was literally hiding behind QW then.. Thank God she only asked for rm2.. the even more scary part was that QW actually felt that we were gonna kena d. Once he got off the train, he saw THAT women's gesture n knew we were the target d.. But he didn't tell me till after we kena lo.. *shrugs*

Coming back is another long story.. We left at 1pm from pg and I reached my campus only at 9pm.. Whole day out.. We knew we wouldn't make it for the 615 campus bus so we decided to stop by midvalley which was on the way to kill some time before we catch the 815 bus back.. But what we didnt realise was that the train would be full of ppl on a sunday!! I was seriously SARDINED in the train!! There was barely enough room in the train but everyone just forced themselves in.. I had to squeeze myself in too!! It was just TERRIBLE!!! I don't even know where to start explainin the situation.. The only good part of this was we manage to do some shopping! But after that we were hoping that at 8pm(QW's fren said he could fetch us instaed. so we took the 8pm train) which is non-pick hour would be less ppl but it was WORST!! The whole station was full of ppl.. We couldn't fit the 1st train so we waited for the 2nd train. When the 2nd train came, we nearly last hope too!! It was packed to the brim!! Then QW found a little space in the last trailler and we squeezed in side ways.. We abrely fit in but thank God it was wide enough if not we would have to wait for another 30 min's. To cut the whole long story short, I just thank God I reached campus safely.. I was sooo tired, scared and worried that I prayed so much just to calm down!! So God answered a lot of my prayers that day.. Praise God! :)

That's bout my hectic weekend.. Now classes have started n some of the clubs are having their meetings.. Today we had ice breaker nite for the ACE Society.. It's more of a charity society.. They go around helping ppl and visitting the orphanages or old folks home.. So yea.. Ice breaking was not bad.. We had lots of running to do but good and fun la.. :)

CF is this thurs.. It's called the welcoming party.. I think there are many Christians here.. excluding catholics.. there r quite a no of catholics.. hope its good.. :)

I joined the badminto club too.. Should I go for the try outs for the competition?? Scared la.. It's been soo long since I played a real match.. Would love to but very scared.. The guys I saw in the court that day were really very good.. I probably saw one girl playing that day la adn she's good.. Haizz.. dilemma..

okay la.. that's all for now.. :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

1st Saturday in Notts

This is my 1st saturday out here..

With nothing much to do and no one around, I decided to walk ard campus n take some pics..

I'm not a photographer so I'm really sry if the photos r really horrid.. There r just so many tree's n plants "blocking". Haha.. Enjoy la..

This is the lake.. Beautiful rite?? Ppl usually jog around here..

Ducks ard the lake.. According to wat I heard, there r really ferocious. There was once this guy feeding the duck and ended up being chased by the ducks in the end..

The yellow buiding is called the SA building(students association building). Cafetarie is there too..

The main admin building with the clock tower.. During the orientation they told us that in whichever part of the world, nottingham university always has a clock tower.. Its like a 'mark'. 4got what's the right word to use..

This is towards all the lecture halls, library n computer rooms..

The computer rooms.. There are at least 3 rooms of ard this size.. Incredible.. :)

This is actually the red building.. Not sure which faculty but I think its engineering..

PURPLE building.. My fav colour!! But its not mine.. It's for the faculty of engineering too..

This is the buiding still under construction.. next to the library..

This is the library.. 3 floors.. Also under some renovation..

The orange building.. Its for the faculty of social science.. like business course lo..

This is MY faculty's building!! IT's BLUE also my fav clolour.. LOL!!

Moving on to the sports complex.. All the facilities n sports to play..

The sports complex..

The view of the Sports complex from my room..
The ping pong room and the badminton room with the mirrored door

Basketball n football behind

I think this is the gim.. There's another with all the weightlifting stuff..

Tennis courts taken at nite..

The swimming pool.. Quite clean.. I mean i swam like ard 9am n its quite clean.. :)

More basketball courts..

Note: this was taken on saturday which is the time in which every1 left home d.. That's y there r not many ppl..

Umm.. That's about my campus.. Its really huge n fully equiped with everything but the only thing is that the nearest nice mall is probably in KL(mid valley).. Still trying to figure out how to get to places with the bus.. :)